What is Local Air Quality Management?

Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) provides the framework under Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 within which air quality is managed by England’s local authorities (district, borough, and city councils). LAQM requires local authorities to review and assess a range of air pollutants against the objectives set by the Air Quality Strategy, using a range of monitoring, modelling, and other methods. For locations where objectives are not expected to be met by the relevant target date, local authorities are required to declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA), and to develop an Action Plan to address the problem. Further information about how this is achieved can be found below and via the links. Please note: some of the links on this page go to external (mostly Defra) website resources and KentAir is not responsible for their content.

Local Air Quality Management Tools

This web page provides information, links and tools designed to assist air quality officers when undertaking Review and Assessment reporting set out under Part IV of the Environment Act (1995). Useful links are provided below:

Defra's LSO working instruction, setting out best practice

Defra's list of LAQM tools (PDF)

Defra's LAQM support page

Defra's LAQM help desk

Defra's Technical Guidance

LAQM Reporting to Defra

Kent and Medway Local Authorities are required to upload all LAQM reports (Annual Status Reports (England), Updating and Screening assessments, Progress Reports and Detailed Assessments) via the Defra website at LAQM Report Submission Website (RSW). Standard report templates are provided for all LAQM reporting levels, along with helpful prompts, useful tips and a checklists to ensure all required information is included for the appraisal process. The checklist is based on the current assessment criteria as set out within the Technical Guidance LAQM.(TG(16))

Action Planning

Defra's Local Air Quality Management Policy Guidance LAQM (PG16) (PDF) provides guidance on air quality action planning. The information provides guidance on strategies, planning and measures for managing local air quality impacts as well as examples of good practice. Further useful links can be found below:

LAQM Action Planning web page

LAQM Policy Guidance

LAQM Practice Guidance

Low Emissions Strategies Guidance

Environmental Protection UK Guidance

Additional Review and Assessment Tools

Local site operator videos.

Background pollution maps (on a 1km grid scale)

National NO2 diffusion tube bias correction - Defra provide a nationwide database containing local bias adjustment factors

NOx to NO2 calculator - This calculator allows local authorities to derive NO2 from NOx wherever NOx is predicted by modelling emissions from roads. The calculator can also be used to calculate the road component of NO x from roadside NO2 diffusion tube measurements.

Year adjustment factors

Defra's diffusion tube QA QC Framework (WASP - Workplace Analysis Scheme for Proficiency) - The laboratories that provide and analyse diffusion tubes also have the option to be included in an independent Workplace Analysis Scheme for Proficiency (WASP), operated by the Health and Safety Laboratory scheme

Diffusion tube data entry tool - A web-based Data Entry System for collection of NO2 diffusion tube data.

Nitrogen Dioxide fall off with Distance Calculator - This tool estimates the annual mean NO2 concentration at a predefined distance from the roadside, real time and diffusion tube concentrations can be estimated.
NO2 fall off from road calculator instructions (PDF)

TEOM VCM Correction - Conventional TEOM PM10 particulate data sets can be VCM corrected using the Volatile Correction Model. Conventional TEOM analysers (TEOM analysers without the FDMS upgrade) provide indicative measurements (data) which can be corrected to provide "gravimetric equivalent" data sets using the Volatile Correction model. The correction (developed by ERG) is based on measured made by FDMS analysers in other nearby locations.

The NOx to NO2 and NO2 to NOx Conversion Spreadsheet derives NO2 from NOx when NOx concentrations have been modelled using road traffic emissions information. In addition the calculator will calculate the road component of NOx from roadside NO2 diffusion tube data sets.
» Download NOx/NO2 Conversion Spreadsheet
» NOx/NO2 Conversion Spreadsheet Instructions (PDF)

Biomass emissions screening tool (xls) - This spreadsheet has been developed to help screen biomass combustion plant pollution outputs as set out in LAQM.TG(16)  technical guidance.

Modelling Tools - Download tools related to air quality modelling and screening.

The Emissions Factors Toolkit (EFT) assists local authorities in carrying out Review and Assessment of local air quality as part of their duties under the Environmental Act 1995.

The Local Air Quality Management Helpdesk provides answers to Local Authorities' questions on air quality monitoring, modelling and emissions inventories, information and guidance to assist Local Authorities in carrying out the Local Air Quality Review and Assessment process required under Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 and information and guidance to assist Local Authorities in preparing and implementing Air Quality Action Plans for improvement of local air quality.

Further information for questions you may have can be found here: LAQM related Frequently Asked Questions